Paleopatologic Report

Description of the performed Search and the gotten results
They have been filed, from the point of paleopatologic view, the following Egyptian mummies:
Mummies Of the Egyptian Museum In Turin
Num. inv. 13001: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex probably.
Num. inv. 13002: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 30 years.
Introduces sacralization of the lumbar V, spondiloartrosi lumbar and clean diastasi of the pubic sinfisi, for probable dead puerperales.
Num. inv. 13003: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 20 years.
Num. inv. 13004: Mummy constituted by decomposed bony segments than at least two individuals adults.
Num. inv. 13005: Mummy of adult-young individual of female sex, of around 16 years.
Num. inv. 13006: Mummy of childish individual of around 5 years.
Num. inv. 13007: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 20 years.
Introduces a moderate pubic diastasi for probable dead puerperales, Num. inv. 13008: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 35 years.
Introduces an ivory osteoma of 1 cms above of the right orbit and a pregressa it fractures to wedge of the body of the lumbar II with spondiloartrosi reactive osteofitica.
Num. Inv. 13009: Mummy of childish individual of around 4 years. Introduces a damage bachelor-omerale left and an ample dorsal breach, with loss of bony elements, interpreted as serious traumatic lesion, perhaps for aggression from a big animal.
Num. Inv. 13010: Mummy of childish individual of around 9 years.
Num. Inv. 13011: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 40 years. Introduces a serious spondiloartrosi back-lumbar deformante.
Num. Inv. 13012: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 25 years. Introduces sacralization of the lumbar V.
Num. Inv. 13013: Mummy of childish individual of around 6 years.
Num. Inv. 13014: Mummy of childish individual of around 6 months.
Num. Inv. 13015: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 60 years. Introduces a serious dental pathology with illness parodontale, penetrating caries and loss of the superior molars, DISH and a serious spondiloartrosi back-lumbar osteofitica, a bilateral gonartrosi and the results of fractures with crushing of the bodies of the thoracic XII and her The lumbar one.
Num. Inv. 13015: Individual's mummy adult of female sex of around 40 years Introduces spondiloartrosi osteofitica of the III and lumbar IV.
Num. Inv. 13017: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 35 years. Introduces the results of a fracture of the right clavicle and fractures cost them some right emitorace.
Num. Inv. 13018: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 60 years Introduces an endocraniosi, a serious illness parodontale and back-lumbar DISH.
Num. Inv. 13019: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 60 years.
Num. Inv. 13020: Natural mummy of individual adult.
Num. Inv. 13021: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 25 years.
Num. Inv. 13022: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 20 years.
Num. Inv. 13023: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 35 years.
Num. Inv. 13024: Mummy of childish individual of around 5 years.
Num. Inv. 13025: Individual's mummy adult of female sex of around 30 years
Num. Inv. 13026: Mummy of fetus or newborn? Mummies Of the Archaeological Museum In Florence
Num. inv. 2166: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 25 years. Introduces an evident pre-ear furrow of the ileo, a dislocation of the coccyx and a diastasi of the pubic sinfisi for pluriparità and probable dead puerperales.
Num. inv. 2168: Mummy of childish individual of around 5 years. Num. inv. lacking (Rx 325-335): Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 40 years.
Num. inv. lacking (Rx 336-340): Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 30 years. Introduces the results of a fracture of the clavicle.
Num. inv. 2158: Individual's mummy adult of female sex of around 50 years.
Num. inv. 2163: Individual's mummy adult, vigorous, of masculine sex of around 35 years.
Introduces a dorsal spondiloartrosi and a bilateral gonartrosi
Num. inv. 2164: Individual's mummy senile adult of female sex, of around 60-70 years. Introduces an almost complete edentulia, a marked generalized osteoporosi and a reduction of the external emirimes of the knees with calcifications meniscali.
Num. inv. 2165: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 25 years. Introduces the results of a fracture of the right clavicle and a bilateral tibial periostite.
Num. Inv. 2169: Mummy of childish individual of around 3 years.
Num. Inv. 2171: Mummy of childish individual of around 5 years
Num. inv. 5739: Mummy of childish individual of around 7 years.
Num. inv. 6526: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 50 years. Introduces back edentulia.
Num. inv. 7244: Mummy of childish individual of around 4 years
Num. inv. 89541?: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 40 years. Introduces bilateral gonartrosi.
Num. inv. lacking (Rx 295-297): It makes a will with cervical line (up to C6) of individual adult of masculine sex, of around 20 years. Introduces signs of iperostosi porotica (skull to brush).
Num. inv. 7449: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of around 50 years Introduces total edentulia and a marked spondiloartrosi back-lumbar osteofitica and some stripes of Harris.
Num. inv. lacking (Rx 273): Adult's hand with non metallic ring to the ring finger.
Mummy Of the Museum Of Human Anatomy Of the university In Pisa Pisa 1: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 30 years. E' has effected a TAC it completes.
Mummies Of the Civic Museum Of Archaeology LIGURE
Pasheri En Aset Individual's mummy adult of 30 year-old female sex.
Genoa 1: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of mature age. Introduces edentulia total and different stripes of Harris.
Genoa 2: Individual's mummy adult of female sex of around 50 years Introduces a back-lumbar spondiloartrosi, more important bilateral gonartrosi to the left and results of fracture of the third distale of the left fibula.
Mummies Of the National Archaeological Museum In Parma
Parma1: Mummy of adult-young individual of female sex, of around 16-18 years. Introduces asymmetry of the inferior limbs with the right more short.
Parma 2: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of 60 years. Introduces total edentulia, spondiloartrosi low dorsal osteofitica with back-lumbar scoliosi to italic S, bilateral gonartrosi and results of fracture of the left clavicle. Legs of mummy: I individualize adult of female sex probably.
Skull 1: I individualize adult of female sex, of around 35 years. Introduces numerous bones wormiane and epactali. Skull 2: I individualize adult of masculine sex, of around 30 years.
Skull 3: I individualize adult of female sex, of around 45 years.
Skull 4: I individualize adult-young of masculine sex, of around 20 years. Introduces a notable increase of the suggestive crossbeam diameter for idrocefalia.
Skull 5: I individualize adult of female sex of 25 years. Mummies Of the University Museums Of the university In Pavia Pavia: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 25 years. Introduces some stripes of Harris.
Skull 1: I individualize adult of masculine sex, of around 30 years.
Skull 2: I individualize adult of masculine sex of around 25 years.
Mummies Of the National Archaeological Museum In Naples
Naples 1: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex of adult age. Introduces total edentulia.
Naples 2: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, 25 years. Introduces a notable diastasi of the pubic sinfisi, probably for precocious dead puerperales.
Naples 3: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of 40 years. Introduces results of fractures cost them bilateral.
Mummies Of the Museum Of the academy Of the In agreement Of ROVIGO Mummy of newborn of the length of 46 cms.
Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 25 years.
Mummy Of the Museum Archaeological Paul GIOVIO Of Chest of drawers
Chest of drawers: Mummy of adult-young individual of female sex, of around 18 years. Also performed TAC and virtual reconstruction of the skull.
Mummies Of the Museum Of the academy ETRUSCA Of CORTONA
Cortona 1: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of 40-50 years. Introduces bilateral gonartrosi.
Cortona 2: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 35 years. Introduces calcifications bilateral inside meniscali. Forearm of adult-young individual.
Mummies Of the Archaeological Museum In Milan
Milano1: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 30 years. Introduces a light diffused osteoporosi.
Milano2: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 35 years.
Cranio1: I individualize adult of masculine sex, of around 25 years.
Cranio2: Individual's skull adult of masculine sex, of around 30 years.
Mummy Of the Museum Of Anthropology Of the universita' In Padua
Padua: I individualize adult of masculine sex, of around 30-35 years.
Introduces some stripes of Harris.
Mummy Of the Civic Museums Of History And Art In Trieste
Trieste: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 30 years
Mummies Of the Archaeological And Paleontological Museum Of Resentments
Asti1: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 40 years.
Introduces a marked dental usury, a modest spondiloartrosi, a light generalized osteoporosi and some stripes of Harris.
Asti2: Individual's mummy adult of masculine sex, of around 40 years.
Mummy Of the Civic Museum Of ?
?: Individual's mummy adult of female sex, of around 40 years. Introduces a serious back-lumbar spondiloartrosi, the results of a fracture of the third distale of the tibia and the fibula of right and some stripes of Harris. A diffused osteoporosi is signalled Mummies on which has been possible to effect the examination endoscopic e/o autoptico
Mummies Of the Museum Of the High school Classical N. MACHIAVELLI Of LUCCA
Lucca 1: External examination: Artificial mummy, in good state of maintenance, of adult subject of female sex with superior arts slightly flexes, with hands supported interiorly and separately under of the bacino. Length of the dead body, measured, of m. 1,49; abdominal incision of around 20 cm to the left side. Examination radiologico: Individual of female sex of age bony radiologica around the 30-35 years; presence, in thoracic and abdominal hollow, of material of very dense imbalsamation not. Marked dental usury, of the degree 3 of Martin, prevailing to level of the premolaris; modest cervical and dorsal spondiloartrosi; presence of evident pre-ear incisures of the bones iliache, for accomplishment of some (perhaps three) parts; presence in the small basin of a formation " moriforme " of around cm. 2,5x1,5, identifiable in a calculation vescicale type mixed; presence of tampons vaginal and rectal; five stripes of Harris, or of "arrest of growth, to level of the third subordinate of the femoral diafisis. Endoscopic examination: Presence of bandages that they seem to dress again the thoracic hollow internally. Comment: the individual, that had suffered some episodes of " stress ", nutritional or morbid, during the adolescence, certificates in the stripes of Harris - find that seems few frequent besides near the dynastic Egyptians - it had a normal somatic development, even if slightly inferior to the range staturale of the female population of dynastic age. His feeding had to have founded on foods gifted of strong abrasive power on the teeth, what for instance the farinaceis gotten with millstones of stone; is drawn of a phenomenon common to a lot of ancient populations, but particularly accented near the Egyptians. The light picture artrosico of the rachide deposes for a modest physical activity, deprived of strong overloads ponder them. They are evident besides, on the bones of the basin, the signs of some pregnancies to term. Last find, but I don't complete for importance, it is the diagnosis of calcolosi vescicale type mixed. Lucca 2: External examination: Artificial mummy, in good state of maintenance, of childish subject of some months, of masculine sex (genital external evident), deposed in supine position with head leaned on the occipite, extended superior arts and places along the sides and completely wide inferior arts. Length of the dead body, measured, of cm 59; body of color piceo; abdominal incision of around 15 cm along the left side. Examination radiologico: Childish individual, with dental age of 3 - 9 months; presence, in abdominal hollow of material of rather dense imbalsamation, mixed to small roundish formations, completely radio-opaque, of varying diameter from one to five millimeters; empty tall thoracic hollow. Empty cranial hollow, without the anterior cranial pit based post-deadly interventions and endoscopic posteriore.Esame: The material of imbalsamation appears constituted by mixed clay to river " fine gravel ". Comment: Pathologies are not revealed; subject eutrofico.
Mummy Of the Civic Museum Of NARNI
Narni 1: individual's mummy adult of female sex of around 20 years of the slow Ptolemaic (The sec. b.C.), eviscerated, in partial manner and rather neglected, through an incision of the abdominal wall, of the length of cm 8, practiced in the region of the left side. Recognizable the characteristic access for nasal street to the anterior cranial pit, gotten besides through the staving in of the etmoide to the purpose to remove the encefalo. The imbalsamation of the body mummified of Narni results characterized from: presence of radio-opaque resins in the pit cranial back denotanti the supine decubitus of the body; abdomen very crowded of material of imbalsamation in the next regions to the incision; chest less crowded of materials of imbalsamation; packages of bandages, deprived of organs, between the femurs; disarticulation, between the second and the third cervical vertebra, provoked by the embalmers. The autopsy, effected on the place, has allowed the recovery, in proximity of the incision, of a package of flax bandages that they wound an organ muscular cable. The organ, of the dimensions of cm 9x6x3, showed walls with longitudinal striations, similar to thin muscular bundles, analogous to what can be observed in the gastric walls. On a fragment of this organ, reidratato with the method of Sandison, had effected hundred sections that, after opportune coloration, they have been observed to the microscope. This has allowed the recovery, in the context of the muscular bundles, of a formation ovalare, of the dimensions of mm 6x4, delimited by a wall of the thickness of around 80 microns (millesimi of millimeter), of gibbous or warty aspect with estroflessioni that projected each other toward the outside. In the inside slope of the wall it was present a layer of weary fabric, with irregular edge and sometimes fragmentary; in correspondence of one of the two poles they were visible a rostrum, with two lines of small hooks and two interpretable roundish formations as suckers. This way it appears to the microscope the cisticerco of the Taenia solium (or tenia of the pig), that can give place, in the man, to a very serious illness, said measles, due to the invasion of the fabrics from the larvas of the tenia. The tenies or cestodi are hermaphroditic worms, segmented, nastriformi, that they reside in the bowel of numerous vertebrate. They are attached some guest to the mucous intestinal with the head, said scolice, that is provision, to such purpose, of suckers or, limitedly to some kinds, as in the Taenia solium, of you ro-stripe. The kinds that infest the man require, for the development of the larvas, one or more intermediary guests (cattle or pig). The eggs, after having been ingested by an intermediary guest, they are developed in larvas able to penetrate through the mucous intestinal, to migrate in the fabrics and to develop in cystic forms. The cysts with an only scolice are said cisticerchis. The ingestion from the definitive guest (man) of meats containing cysts with drain us vital it allows the development of the larvas in the adult forms. The tenia infestations in the man are distinguished, from the clinical point of view, in two principal groups: the first one, in which the man entertains the tenia in the bowel as definitive guest, includes, what principal kind, the Taenia saginata (that gives a clinical sintomatologia of scarce relief), while the second group, in which the man entertains the larvas in the fabrics as intermediary guest, is including the echinococcosi, that also provokes cystic lesions of big dimensions, you locate to the liver and the bellows mainly. A position to oneself stante is up to the Taenia solium for which the man can act is from definitive guest, is intermediary. The clinical demonstrations of the infestation from Taenia soliums are of scarce relief when the man acts from definitive guest, while in the cases in which acts from intermediary guest (measles) the clinical picture is very serious. The cisticerchis are developed in the muscles and in the viscuses and, with more serious consequences, in the eye and in the brain, resulting in blindness and reactions meningoencefalitiche that can be also deadly.
Mummies Of the Grave Of BAKENRENEF Of SAQQARA
Saqqara 1: The river bed of the sarcophagus brings the registration: Merneith. Is dealt with a mummy widely damaged ab antiquo, especially in the superior parts. It results, in fact, deprived of the facial bones and of the jaw; the superior limbs are absent and so the tibias, the fibulas and the feet; the sternum and the anterior part of the thoracic box have not been found again. The inside of the mummy is appeared constituted by a real I tread resinous that occupies the chest englobing the vertebrae, the coasts and the pelvic hollow subsequently. The examination radiografico has underlined the presence, to the height of the heart, of a beetle and, more in low, of two radio-opaque formations of lengthened form. E' identifies, with safety, a roundish " package " (10x9x8 cm), situated in correspondence of the loggia cost it damages them, above the wing iliaca of the same side. The examination radiografico of the I tread resinous pelvic, has shown some images vermiformi calcifiche, probably of elminti. The deposition belongs to an adult woman, of superior age certainly a 30 years, tall around m 1,65, pluripara (2-4 parts). The pathologies evidenziabilis to the macroscopic examination consist in a discreet spondiloartrosi lumbar osteofitica (arthrosis of the lumbar column) and in the presence of a knot of Schmorl on the anterior face of L2.
Saqqara 2. Is dealt with rests completely scheletrizzati belonging to an adult woman of around 20 years, tall m 1,54, pluripara (1-2 parts) and characterized by weak muscular attacks. The paleopatologic study has revealed that the individual was affection from bony tuberculosis of the body of L5 (disease of lumbar Pott). This introduces cavitazione and it appears crushed to wedge with back apex. The infection was spread toward the lower part, up to the sacred, through the vertebral channel and I pour the tall one to L5, limitedly to her anterior surface, following the muscular bundles. The presence of minute cribrosità in correspondence of the anterior surface of the vertebrae lumbar parties and some sacred shows that the inflammation was in active phase. He deduces that the decease was caused directly by the illness. You signals, besides, complete spondilolisi of the back arc of left of L2.
The middle age of death of the adults has resulted of 37 years for the males (range: 20-60) and of 31,5 years for the female (range: 16-65). Insofar it would seem, even if the champion is a lot of disomogeneo for epoch and origin, that the adult Egyptians enjoyed of a longer middle life in comparison to other ancient populations. Interesting it is besides the observation of well 4 corpses puerperali on a total of 24 women in fertile age, since confirmation, also for the Egyptians, an elevated incidence of secondary female deceases to the birth. The scarce frequency of stripes of Harris, or of arrest of growth, you finds in 7 individuals only on 74, it deposes for the absence of stress, malnutrizionali or infectious, during the period of the growth. Also the diagnosis of an only case of iperostosi porotica deposes for the absence of serious anaemic pictures and therefore it confirms the good state nutritional of the Egyptian population. The vertebral arthrosis is present in 12 individuals adults (6 males, 5 female) on 60, generally of superior age a 40 years. The most stricken line is the back-lumbar one (7 cases, equal to 58.3%), succession to distance from the lumbar line (3 cases, equal to 25%) and from that cervico-dorsal (2 cases, equal to 16.7%). The arthrosis of the knees struck individuals of masculine sex almost exclusively (5 cases against 1), also of advanced not age, deposing strongly for a functional phenomenon. The osteoporosis, found in 4 individuals, all of female sex and of inclusive age in 40 and the 65 years, reflects the known phenomenon tied up fisiopatologico to the climaterio. The DISH (diffused idiopathics skeletal hyperostosis), a pathology of frequent comparison in obese or diabetic subjects, has been diagnosed in two adult males of around 60 years, between which the famous architect Kha of the Egyptian Museum in Turin. The dental usury constituted the norm, also in their children, but the total edentulia was appanage of the mature age (over the 50 years) and therefore it struck masculine sex almost exclusively (4 cases against 1). The fractures are 10, with 4 fractures of the clavicle (3 males, 1 female), 2 back-lumbar vertebral crushing (2 males), 2 cases of fractures cost them multiple (1 male, 1 female) and 1 fracture of the fibula and 1 fracture biossea of the leg in 2 female. Is dealt with a casuistic rather modest traumatologica. The idrocefalia, rather rare find in paleopatologic, has been diagnosed till now in eight individuals of inclusive epoch between the slow prehistory and the medioevo. The case of the Museum in Parma constitutes the first diagnosis effected on an ancient Egyptian mummy. Also the calcolosi vescicale was a great deal a rare pathology near the Egyptians. Iinfattis are only known in literature three cases of renal calcolosi, a case of calcolosi ureterale and solo two cases of calcolosi vescicale. The motive for this low incidence remains still unknown, but it is perhaps from to put in relationship with the good and balanced feeding of the Egyptian population. Thin to they were known in Egypt 31 cases of tuberculosis now, all of epoch predinastic and pharaonic, inclusive between 3700 and the 1000 b.C. The case of Saqqara 2, of epoch Ptolemaic, allows of to fill the gap of the most recent period and also shows the presence of the illness in crowds Alexandrine society. Finally the discovery of the measles in the mummy of Narni dresses again a big scientific interest since, till now, a was known only case of infestation from Taenia solium, that of the mummy of Nakth, the weaver of the funeral chapel of the faraones Sethnakth, lived under Ramsete V, in the first half the XII century a.C. and deceased in 14 and the 18 years of age. This mummy, in whose bowel a group of Canadian researchers recovered eggs of the kind Taenia, it is note as R.O.M. 1 (Royal Ontario Museum 1). The first time, however, that a case of measles is individualized, that is of invasion tissutale of the larvas directly in the man. This represents an ulterior confirmation that also in Egypt of age Hellenistic was very diffused the practice of the breeding of the swines that, as we have mentioned, they constitute the intermediary guest of the Taenia solium. In this case the intermediary guest was represented by the man, in the fattispecie from the young woman, which, evidently for motives for bad hygienic conditions, ingested foods contaminated from I made human containers eggs of the dangerous parasitic. The pathology finally neoplastica is represented by an ivory osteoma of the façade a benign bony tumor.
Produced of the performed Search
It has been biult a complete database in English language (egyptologic, anthropological and paleopatologico) consultable on Internet to the page of the section of Egyptology of the Department of Historical Sciences of the Ancient World of the university in Pisa:
The database, continually adjourned with the progress of the studies, it is generally already to It has been made a complete revision, in progress of publication, of the techniques of Egyptian imbalsamation from the ancient Kingdom to the Roman age. Different techniques of image have been sharpened (standard radiologiche, TAC and virtual reconstruction) for the study of the mummies. In raced of realization a show to expose the principal to the specialized not public gotten results.